Mutiara Etnik supplies transportation conveyor system for clinker, gypsum and limestone for the cement industry. Our system includes combination of:
Movable tripper conveyor
Scraper reclaimer
Supplies are made both on turnkey as well as individual equipment basis as per Clients need.
Mutiara Etnik supplies iron ore handling plants on turnkey basis, which consists of ship unloaders, stockyard machines, receiving, stacking, reclaiming and delivery line conveyor system complete with its accessories including crushing and screening, iron ore sampling and weighing stations. For pollution control measures we supply state of the art dust suppression system combined with weather monitoring system and stockyard wastewater treatment plants.
Stockyard Equipments
Stacker cum reclaimer.
Single boom stacker.
Twin boom stacker (Butterfly stacker).
Circular stacker.
Radial stacker.
Wheel type reclaimer.
Portal scraper reclaimer.
Bridge reclaimer.
Our supply of ancillary systems covers material weighing station, belt weighers, dust suppression and extraction system, telescopic loading spout and complete rage of conveyor safety switches and level switches.
Mutiara Etnik offers comprehensive range of equipment and systems for handling various grains. On turnkey basis we offer loading, unloading and covered shed stockyard management system & silo storage system, complete with ship loaders, ship unloaders, and stockyard machines like stackers / reclaimers and receiving, stockyard and conveyor lines including state of the art electrical, instrumentation and SCADA system.
For the mine and quarry industry, Mutiara Etnik supplies raw material transport conveyor system and mineral processing plants and sanders. Our system includes careful selection and supply of appropriate crushing and screening equipment for size reduction application to meet our Clients and their end user’s specific needs.
Depending on handling capacity, we design stockpiles either with state of the art stacking, reclaiming and loading machines or a simple stockpile at conveyor discharge area for reclaim and loading by mobile equipment.